bindit - painless bind mounts for containers ============================================ Bindit is a docker wrapper that makes it easy to containerize applications with file read/write requirements. Here is a typical bind mount pattern for a data science project: .. code-block:: bash $ docker run -v "$HOME"/code:/code -v /drive/data:/data \ -v /drive/results:/results myimage python /code/ \ /data/input /results/ Notice that you need to define each bind manually, and you need to make sure your script arguments point to the correct re-mapped paths inside the container. This can be a slow and error-prone process, since there is no tab-completion of the re-mapped paths or access to convenient environment variables. With bindit, you simply enter the file paths as though the container script had access to your native file system: .. code-block:: bash $ bindit docker run myimage python "$HOME"/code/ /drive/data/input /drive/results/ Under the hood, bindit re-maps the paths and passes this command to docker. The above command would look like this in native docker: .. code-block:: bash $ docker run -v /Users/jc01/code:/bindit/Users/jc01/code \ -v /drive:/bindit/drive myimage python /bindit/Users/jc01/code/ \ /bindit/drive/data/input /bindit/drive/results/ This saves typing in interactive use. It also makes it easy to create command-line interface wrappers that handle disk IO for container applications. For this purpose, we supply a utility script generator: :doc:`bindit_partial `. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: installation Usage: bindit Usage: bindit_partial Module Reference contributing authors history Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`